What is News?

 Wednesday 2 March 2022

What is News?

LO:to explore the concept and format of news.

1. the purpose of news to get stories and important messages to other parts of the world.

2. the purpose of the news to show how different parts of the world are doing.

3.the purpose of  news to entertain people. 

4. the purpose of the news is for them to make profit.

the different type of news are : war, climate, uk, world, business, tech, politics, science, health, family and education, art and entertainment and weather.


uk news: 
tech news: 
LO: to explore the validity to news stories and their origins.

Fake News: False information used to shape your views, opinions or ideas

1.fake coronavirus cure on as people say garlic has cured coronavirus

2. the covid vaccines can give you cancer.
3.the mafia forged 300,000 votes for joe biden
2. people write fake news to manipulate and control people to give votes to certain politicians or subjects.

3. you can spot for fake news because a lot of it does not make any sense but some will have factual wronging.


Wednesday 16 march 2022
Our news storys

Lo: to research and write possible stories for bbc school report.

Police apologies for search of a young hackney school girl

a black school girl has been striped searched and wrongly accused of carry cannabis. a traumatic time for the young school girl which a safeguarding report tells us this "incident" concluded it was unjustified and racism was likely a factor to the apparent "miss hap". Scotland yard has come through and said the officers action were regrettable and should of never happened. family members have described her mood from a good lucky girl to someone who barley speaks and needs therapy to help with her self harm.her family members and friends still believe this to be and act of racism. 

Wednesday 23 March 2022
Practice news report
LO: to explore how to structure a story to practice interview questions.

 there was a fire at newly refurbished bodmin jail reported last night at 11:15 with the main cell block being badly damaged as  2 people are being treated at hospital with  6 being rescued form the serious fire. 3 fire engines where sent out estiguising the fire this morning at  6:15. police investigation continues as they still have not concluded where the fire had started. PC smith quoted " the damage to the historic building is extensive. the clear up is likely to take weeks and the cost of rebuilding will run into millions. 

27 seconds.

live form bbc news. a young black school girl has been stripped searched  by scotland yard secondary school for suspected storage of cannabis. it was concluded that the young girl did NOT carry any cannabis. safeguarding believe the unjustified search had factors of racism towards the young girl to the apparent "miss hap". a interveiw from the family tells us "she used to be such a go happy girl wich after the incident was turned into a depressed sacred child who would need therapy form there action. there is no further information.

live form bbc news. rising cost of living in the uk increases to rise as gas prices are spirirling out of control this is caused by the conflict of Russia and Ukraine as Urkraine is not able to supply the uk with enough oil and other product.


  1. Well done - you really got the hang of structuring a news story


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