What is media

Wednesday 15 September 

Learning objective: To discuss what media is and how it impacts our lives.

Different types of media 

.social media         .tv  

.advertisement       .apps 

.newspapers           .podcasts 

.film media             

. games 

. streaming sites 

.chat rooms 




.text messaging 

.e books 

The purpose of media 

the purpose of media it to show data, advertisement, communication, entertainment, to inform what is going on in the world, social interaction, politics and just sharing your opinion. but the most important thing about media is to make money.

Media and Me 

my favourite film genre is action but some of my favourite films are shaw shank redemtion, logan and cast away.

tv shows

i dont like a lot of tv shows but some i like are stranger things, Rick and Morty and the Simpsons. 


i play a lot of games and some i like are overwatch, minecraft and battle front 2.

social media

i dont use social media that often but my favourites are instagram and snapchat.

why i chose media studies  

i chose media studies because i spend a lot of time with media and wasnt to know more about movies and just media in general.

is it what i thought it was

it is basically what i thought it would be just learning about all types of media. 

media influence

media doesnt really influence me but it is quite powerfully changing peoples opinions on things like brexit and blm changing peoples opinions around the world making  a huge diffrence in what people bealive.


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