
My Magazine

  Wednesday 20 July 2022 My Magazine LO: to create an effective magazine cover using appropriate codes and conventions. www: the consistency of the colour pallet went well  ebi: the layout of the price and date.

magazine front covers

Wednesday 27 april 2022 Magazine Front Covers  LO:to identify  the features on a magazine front covers; to explore genre codes and conventions. masthead: this is the title that gives detail of owner ship attracting fans of the magazine back to the book of a company they like  dateline: the dateline tells you where the article is about and when it was produced and this helps people know weather the paper is up to date or not. main image: the main image is the main subject of the magazine drawing attention to people thought easy to see colour  full images cover lines: it is a line of text put on the front cover briefly describing and promoting as it draws attention. main cover line: the main cover line takes up a lot of space as it is filled with different colours and placed specifically to show what the story is about and draw attention. bar code/ price. it is a 12 digit code which identifies the sale and price of the magazine. tagline: a tagline is a marketing message which means peopl

Magazine design

Wednesday 29 June 2022  Do Now LO: to create an effective magazine cover and DPS using appropriate codes and conventions. Wednesday 6 July 2022 Magazine Design

Shot Composition

Wednesday 15 June 2022 Shot Composition       LO: to understand the basic rule of shot composition Rule of thirds you aime to put the mage of the left or right squares instead of the middle.                                    leading lines 3 images of rule of thirds: images of leading lines: Depth of Field deep focus: shallow focus: photographing people to much empty spac as they should take up more space and if they are looking somewhere else they should be more space on the side their looking. Wednesday 22 June 2022 Shot Composition  LO: to explore composition and perspective. i think this one was the best as it has good lighting with not to much head room but not any head room either.  ebi should have a better less busy background. reflecting shot: intresting angle: texture/ pattern. close up:

Introduction to media representation

Wednesday 8 June 2022 LO:to explore the concept of representation and stereotypes Representation: the media offers the audience an interpretation of the world. it is a RE PRESENTATION of events, people and places. Stereotypical: a stereotype is a generalised representation of a person place or thing they are limited and often offensive or used for comedy. Nanny: a weak female. Nurse: a women , stupid  Teenager: argumentative, moody, Astronuat:a male,white,strong Football player: egotistical, athletic, male, rich Opera fan:posh white old man Teacher: strict,boring,old Tatto lover: a criminal, drug dealer 1.  they are sort of reinforced with some streotipical students but some that are not.\ 2. they act interested and willing to learn but others are moody and missing about and they speak in a moody bored tone. the year 9 girls are presented as loud and naughty. 3.they say how one student loved their teacher wich brakes the stereotype and as peope have different accents with deeper and hi

Magazine cover design: Masthead

  Wednesday 4 may 2022 LO: Explore the use of adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead. what the magazines have in common? they all have white bold typography with other colours such as red and black and nearly all the same shot types the medium long shot. the normally have bold bright images as the main image to attract attention to the magazine. the subject im doing is music rap, the mastheads use all of the same colour pallets with red and white with a bold formal font. top charts Wednesday 11 may 2022 LO: Explore the use of adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead. Wednesday 18 may 2022 Magazine Covers Design: Masthead Lo: To use adobe illustrator to create an effective magazine masthead. 1. music, rap 2. Top charts 3. they all had a lot of red and black and bits of white with a san serif font.  I prefer the top one as it is in better detail but needs some more work as it also has a slogan.

News day evaluation

 LO: to evaluate and review our news day project 1. on news day i was envolved in the news report about the increasing price in oils as i helped behind the camera recording and writing the script and questions for the interview while also editing the final cut of the news report. 2.i enjoyed the editing the most as it is fun to figure out what works with what and seeing the final product. 3.i least enjoyed the script writing as took a long time to figure out a script that would flow like an actual news report. 4. i learned a lot more about editing and how much time and effort it takes to make a flowing script. 5.i learned that in the news process you need to keep retaking and remaking things to get the perfect video and script. 6. i would acuttally try to get in front of the camera if i did it again.