Music Magazines

Lesson 1 Missed

Monday 17 April 2023

Music Genres

genres of music: hip-hop, rock music,  reggae, country, funk, pop music,

rock music

1. this photos represents rock music as the singers is seen to have the stereotypical long hair and dark clothes and is seen to play an electrical guitar. 
 2. in rock they normal use heavy instruments like the electrical guitar, the bass and the drums 

3. along with pop music they mostly sing about love and relationships but also sing about other subjects like politics and social events.

pop music

1. this photos represents pop music artist to wear more bright colourful and shiny clothing and have very different hair styles depending on the artist.

2. in pop music they use a variety of instruments bass guitar, acoustic and electric guitar and also the drums.

3. pop music artist are seen to sing about love and romantically relationship and difficulties they struggle with in their lives


1. in the photos they are seen to were more colourful knitted clothing in the Jamaica flags colours they are also seen to have much longer dreaded hair and leather clothing and jackets.  

2. they use many instruments to create there music such as the drums, bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard and a horn section or synth horns. 

3. reggae artist are seen to sing about news, social gossip, and political commentary or about their generally life style and way of living.

reggaes target audience

radio stations: 1.FM - Reggae Trade radio, joint radio reggae, pigpen radio, conscious radio

there target audience is more poor to working class Jamaica but has been listened to around the world ib places like France, Germany, Italy and England.

you can tell by the bottom left image used on the powerpoint that it is pop due to the bright and light colours and the styling of the clothing used in the photo

Monday 15 May 2023

most artist of this genre were the colour ways of there country of origin which is mostly gonna be Jamaica and usually have long dreads all of the culture in Jamaica. and are also seen to have long beards and either wear Durag or other large hats.

Music Magazines

1. rock i can tell by the dark clothes and the long hair and the guitars and microphones used to tells that they are able to play  a guitar and other instruments  which tells us that the genre of the magazine is a rock magazine.

2. i can tell the second one is pop by the pink and bright colours used and along side the bright clothes used with flowers which gives  us a summer feel about the magazine which all points toward the main focus of the magazine being about pop music.

3. i can tell this one is rap by the dark but not to dark blue colours used and how the main focus of the image is seen to wear a chain and be the only focus of the image and also how the main focus is a black person which may tell us that the genre rap is what the focus might be as the origins of rap were brought up around black culture


typography: the size and appearance of a text.

Layout: the way in which things are arranged or laid out.

Lexis: the total shock of words in language.

colour palette: the colours used in a image or video.

Mise-en-scene: the props and scenery in a piece of media

Katy perry billboard

1. typography: they use a very simple serif and also san-serif font with capitalised letters for a more plain and recognisable masthead. 

2. Layout: they layout the cover page with one main focus image in the middle with one big masthead showing the brand of the magazine then using a smaller coverline to show us the artist name and what songs they have made.

)s3. Lexis: they use word like "new queen of pop" and quote such things as how many albums she has sold to show her genre of music and her popularity as a celebrate and how influence she is on the music industry.

4.colour palette: they use bright pink and blue colours to show the theme of her music which is pop and how it will attract the attention of the target audience they are trying to get.  

5. Mise-en-scene. she uses a prop dress with flowers on to give of a summer feel and create a more attracting and better magazine that displays to the veiwer what the genre of music is and what the magazine will be about.

Monday 5 June 2023


colour pallet: they use a lot of blue and red in the designs.

shot type: they use mostly mid to close up shots to display the main artist.

typography: they use simply serif fonts that are quite large and blocky.
mise-en-scene: they use a lot of blue and black clothing with durags on or a tank top.
image: they use a simply image with the artist doing a simple pose or stance.
layout: the layout is well organised but quite filled up with albums or songs from the artist while also having some ads and quotes from them
colour pallet: they use a darker colour pallet with more red and black colouring.
shot type: they mostly use mid to long shot to include the whole band in one image.
typography: they use quite simple serif fonts for the name of the magazine but for the bands they use more crazy fonts with red or white colouring
mise-en-scene: they mostly seen to wear dark clothing in the images with some guitars or microphones to add to the image.
image: they use quite simply images to display the band with the band mostly doing a pose.
layout: the magazine is layed out quite simply without many qoutations or ads with very few cover lines.

colour pallet: they  use mostly white and pinky colours that are quite pastally.
shot type: they use mid to close up shots of the artist that the magazine is about. 
typography: they use simple san-serif fonts that have bright colours surrounding it on coloured onto it.
mise-en-scene: they use white and red bright clothing but normally wear a simple outfit.
image: they use a normally image of the pop artist normally looking into the camera.
layout: the layout is quite messy and filled up with a lot of quotations and ads.

Monday 19 June 2023


the magazine shows that the target audience have a lot of money as they use a simple but sophisticated colour scheme of white and almost gold colours and also how with the mise-en-scene as she is holding a violin that is placed there in purpose to seem more formal and relates to the target audience that may be into opera. it also targets the audience as it quotes more non main stream and more formal artist that play classical music also the use of the cover line quoting " the brilliant violinist on her exciting plans to give all children the power of music" which a lot of the target audience will not have children and will get them to start thinking about them.

MOJO audience

LO: to explore and define the magazines target audience.

.  most successful brand have had intense competition in its time against other luxury brands which offer there audience a 'lean back moment'

. these magazines are high quality using sophisticated language that has been printed of glossy paper giving them a more luxury value and tone

. Mojo has some of these aspects of luxury qaulites but instead use light weight paper that is only semi glossy as it is cheaper to produce but also gives a luxury feel for it but for cheaper

genre: indie but mostly rock

circulation figure: 55294 digital copies

publisher: Bauer media group

target audience: 30-45+

examples of artist features: David Bowe, Pink Floyd, The beach boys and Neil young

1. Mojo magazine cover both current and older established and merging musicians 

2) each month from mojo magazine you get a definitive cover feature on an iconic act or famous reviews which brings you 30 pages of thats months best music.

3) mojos magazines readers are passionate about a variety of genres of music and celebrates quality  over popularity along side there audience that are obsessed with music

middle class is about education or being a professional and have a university degree.

working class can be a skilled or not skilled job that pays a lot less.*

working and lower class audience read weekly magazines as they are cheaper while middle to higher class audience read monthly magazines as they are much more expensive but more magazines are read by females while popular male magazines are top gear and mens health.

niche: is a small specific audience, as opposed to a large audience.

1. Spotify,youtube and amazon music

2. through his hobbies and interest in certain genres of music like pop and bands like the artic monkey.

3. there relationship with his son and daughter and there interest in music.

4. his personality is mostly based around music

5. he has a strong relationship with music keeping cd disks of music because he is scared of loosing the music which is special to him.

6. he likes mojo as it talks on the genre of music he likes and festivals with his interests in that are easy to read and talk about.

mojos appeals entertainment through the use of a free disk given with the magazine and is informative to its audience giving them information about new genres they may not know about or havent experienced yet they also help with social interaction by givng 

Monday 3 July 2023


Lo: to review and reflected on the boy exam and set personal targets.

Question 1

Who regulates media in the uk?


  • film: bbfc
  • radio: Ofcom
  •         :Asa
  •         :Ipso and Impress
  • video games :Video standards council

Question 2

media language

  • mise-en-scene
  • camera work 
  • setting

media language differs between teenage dirtbag and skater boy through the use of setting and mis-en-scene in skater boy the main character is seen to be in a city with a lot of poverty and rebellion, while also the main character is seen to be wearing more masculine clothing and darker clothes as it is seen to be more rebellious look. this differs to teenage dirtbag as in that video the main character is mostly seen inside and outside a american high school  with the main character were more normal clothing and is seen to look like he is trying to fit in with his clothing which is opposite to how mise-en-scene and clothing is worn by the main character in skater boy.

Question 3

 radio producers such as the radio 1 live lounge target different audiences by using a large variety of music that will target and relate to a large variety of different ages such as pop, rock and country music that will interest a large community and age range. they also do this by giving certain artist a chance to come on the show and perform live that will interest people with interest of all genres and times. 

music producers such as the live lounge do this as they are a commercial  radio station that need to reach a wide range of audiences to get more companies to pay them to advertise there product to a certain target audience that they will have, while also meeting the remit given to them so they can reach all to most target audiences wanted to be advertised to by the companies in interest.

Question 4


Question 5

one reason a film studio would release a game along side the film is to bring in a larger target audience with the video game as it will interest more people to watch the film after playing the game.

another reason maybe to claim more money as people who will watch the film will want more and will buy the game after watching the film to relive it.

Question 6

The audience get one or more of these things from watching a piece of media.

Personal identity (recognising themselves in the characters)

Information (you gain more information about the characters or about the news and relevant storys) 

Entertainment (interesting, fun and exciting or scary)

Social interaction ( merchandise, talking about lego sets or the video game or about relevant storys on the news or any piece of media)

Monday 11 September 2023

Do Now

  • i can tell the target audience are both male and female through the use of colour as they use mostly black, yellow and white theme that shows that the magazine is not targeted to one gender but is all gender neutral colours.
  • i can tell the target audience are both male and female through the use of the main image that is drake that has a male appeal to him and female appeal to his attraction and looks targeting both genders.

  • you can tell the target audience are educated and cultured in this magazine through the use of mis-en-scene as the main image figure is holding a violin that shows more sophisticated and posh instrument that takes skill and education to learn.
  • you can also tell through the use of the sophisticated word of the cover lines that only more educated and richer target audience will understand  

Mojo U&G

LO: To explore the appeal of mojo magazine to its target audience.

Active audience

Magazines audiences are active because they physically have to turn the pages to see what is next and also have the active power to skip bits they do not what to read while also having the ability to be engaging there brain power into reading the magazine actively reading at there own pace/speed.

Uses & Gratifications


Personal identityMusic magazines often reinforce the readers sense of being a fan of a particular genre of music or artist.

Information: magazines give a sense of knowing what is going on and also being involved in what is going on around them giving the audience a sense of inclusion.


Social interaction

Personal identity

madonna in this magazine is rebellious this is shown by the use of the cross as a nose ring coloured in black showing her rebellious character that some people may relate to and her style and attitude that will attract them into becoming a fan of her and her music. 


this magazine provides information to the target audience through the use of the cover lines which tell the audience about new books that are being released and breaking news about live performances and artist that give the audience a sense of inclusion in what is going on around them about there favourite things.


The magazine shown provides entertainment through the use of popular and attractive stars like seen in this magazine who is jimmy Hendrix that attract fans while also using comedy to entertain fans and to keep them interested in the magazine without the use of actually listening to music this is seen in this magazine through the use of cover lines that provide comedic value to the magazine. they also add free gives to the magazine like a free album seen in this magazine quoting "for free". this used by audiences as an escape from there everyday life.

Social interaction

Social interaction is used by this magazine through the use of regular updates of festivals and tickets to buy them and live events that and interaction between fans and the magazine stars presented on the cover that will keep the audience interested in the subject and active with it with new hot news and new albums that are going to be played live.

Monday 18 September 2023

Do Now

Personal identity: its shows that the audience is interested in old 80s music that are rock and mostly listens to established musicians.

Information: they provide information about where you can find and listen to their albums. and about there upcoming life and quotes said about the band with information about the lead singer.

Entertainment: they show other famous musicians quotes about the brands while also including a free cd for the reader to listen too.

Social interaction: the audience will talk to there friends about the free cd or the interesting information given by the cover lines like john Lennon quoting "unseen!" about the band on the front cover.

Music Industry: Q1 and Q2

LO: to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique.

Question 1
  1.  OFCOM.
  2. bbc.
  3. where a radio is made to benefit the public.
  4. convergence.
  5. diversification.
  6. conglomerate.

Question 2

4 Marks

1) Radio stations meet the requirements of a PSB by educating there audience on new songs and upcoming artist that the audience will have and interest in this is seen on live lounge as they use upcoming artist to interview them and found out more information about them to share to the audience. the radio stations also entertain there audience by using famous and already well know artist and interviewing them or letting them make live performances, live lounge do this through Stormzy as he performed live on the live lounge and then also did a interview after. the radio station also use information to show there audience news about there favourite artist or genre of music to invest them more into it.

Music video

Teenage dirtbag

  • American school
  • Prom
  • popular girl and the jocks
  • the geek.
  • romance

skater boy

  • city
  • teenagers rebels
  • punk
  • romance
Music videos create representation through the use of the setting this can be seen is skater boy wich is set in a city and is used to describe and show the rebellious teenagers and how the city is represented like the characters as different from the rest of the world. unlike in teenage dirtbag where the setting is in a clean but boring American high school that represents the characters as cliche and as casual people of society that can be seen at any American high school.

    Monday 25 September 2023

Do Now

1) Ofcom

2) bbc

3) radio made for the public funded by the government.

4)  Convergence

5) Diversification

6) conglomerate

Question 2

1) Magazines use social interaction to attract there audience as they use a free cd with every Mojo magazine that is remix of the artist songs such as a mix of Liam Gallagher songs on the front cover of his magazine. Magazines also use information through the use of cover lines to show and inform the audience about there favourites artist attracting them to find out more about the artist and their music which is also seen on Liam Gallaghers mojo poster which quotes "Funny how things turned out". 

3/4 Marks

Music Industry Question 3

The question could be about radio or magazine.

1)The BBC need to provide a wider range of content than commercial radios because they need to meet the remit that expects them to provide entertainment and information for younger audiences aged 15-29 years old. They meet this remit by using young and popular artist that are interviewed on the live lounge that use young slang such as "sick" and "big up" to interest and attract younger audiences that will see the live lounge as something that they can relate to and have something in common with there favourite artist. The BBC also meet the remit by using up and coming artist or already know and loved artist to perform live on the live lounge such as recently with Stormzy performing live.while also creating and performing remixes and new versions of already famous songs performed by different but also loved artist to provide a wider range of audience to songs never heard before.The BBC also meet the remit by using a massive range of music played attracting people that love all different genres to watch the live lounge as it features not mostly one genre of music artist but a wide range of them to meet the remit and keep every fan of live lounge interested daily.The BBC also meets the remit by having every already popular or not popular artist perform live no matter what genre or type of music they play which could also be remix they do this to keep a wide range of fans happy and not just one genre being played more over the others just because of popularity showing audiences new songs they may be interested in.

Monday 2 October 2023
Do Now
  1. Media language is Mise-en-scene, camera work, editing, photos, text and layout in movies and magazines. 
  2. industry's are media business such as radio or movie companys. 
  3. audiences are the people who view or read a piece of media that is targeted towards you..
  4. representation is the way someone or something is shown to act and look like, the way someone is presented to an audience (stereotypes).
  5. context is background information to reality and real life events in media.

Teenage dirtbag
the girl interest is presented as popular through the close ups and slow mo shots of her showing her importance to the school. it is represented as a typical American high school with the sports people being shown as bully through there clothes they wear and the low angle shots taken of them that show there size and popularity. the main character is represented as a looser through his clothes and the weird clothes he wears and the fact he is pushed around the corridor unlike the bully who everyone moves out of the ways for.

Skater boy
the main female character is shown as rebellious through the use of the illegal gig she sets up in the middle of the street on top of a car, stopping the traffic. she is shown as respected from the low angel shots taken of her almost like we are the fans. they are also seen to break many laws like graffitiing and littering. teenagers in skater boy are represented as reckless shown by the skater clothes they wear and the graffitiing and BMX riding inside the building and over the speed limit driving this is shown through the fast paced editing and low camera angles emphasising realism and there recklessness.

Question 3

1) in teenage dirtbag the main character is represented as a looser and is a victim to bullying they show this in the video through the use of representations of the characters as the bully who is seen to freely be able to walk through the hallway with every one moving out of the way of him showing his power and popularity. while the main character is barley able to get through the hall way without being pushed around and being called a looser by the other pupils.

Another way teenage dirtbag represents there main character is through Mise-en-scene because in the music video he is shown to wear pretty nerdy and unpopular clothes while every one else is shown to wear clothes that look nothing alike to his showing how he is represented as a unpopular outcast and a looser

While in skater boy the main character is represented as respected through the use of camera work as when she is playing the illegal gig the low angle from the hands held camera is used to represent her as someone to look up to while almost making the viewer feel like a fan watching her show showing the respect she is made to have. 

Another way the main character is represented like this in teenage dirtbag is through the use her clothing as she is seen to wear skater clothes that a lot of the other characters are seen to wear as-well showing the respect she is given as they all follow her style and the way she is dresses showing the respect she is given by the other characters in the music video almost representing her as there leader.

Monday 9 October 2023

Do Now
  1. Mise-en-scene is props and the way characters are dressed and the setting.
  2. Editing is where you cut up the video/movie into to select bits to make the plot and action better examples shot reverse shot, fast pace and slow motion.
  3. Camera work is the camera angles taken fro shots such as close up angle and long shot angle.
  4. Sound is the audio made after something is filmed to make it feel more realistic for example diegetic and diegetic sounds/ ambient sound.
  5. Narrative is the direction the plot of the movie is headed to create a story like a linear story or non-linear story.

Diegetic sounds: sounds that originate from the film/videos world that the characters can hear.

non Diegetic sounds: sounds that the characters cant hear in there world but the viewers can such as music in a scene to make it more dramatic.

LO: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q4 focusing on media language and representation.

Q4: Analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from Mojo Magazine?

Black and white colour pallet may show seriousness and old classical music. the close up image of the magazine can show the facial expression and in which will reveal their emotion. the Lexus "arise" and "dark knight" "surviving" and "saving his soul" which shows a depressive element to the artist while also showing he has had a troubled past that he maybe questioning.

The Musician in the Mojo magazine is represented as mysterious and to of had a troubled past this is represented through the use of Lexus on the magazine the says "dark knight" and "surviving" that represented him as mysterious and to have a bad past only just surviving it. The use of colour in the magazine further represents this through the bland and mysterious black and white colour palette most likely showing how bland and troubled his past was. The use of camera work reinforces this by using a mid close up shot that shows his bland and straight face further show his mysterious representation and how he has been scared from his past.

Analyse the representation of age or gender in the extract form mojo magazine?

the man is dressed up in a suit with a serious face showing him as masculine and serious while also the magazine having a free cd called murder ballads further showing the male masculine representation of violence and seriousness/sophisticate.
The representation of males in the mojo magazine are seen to be shown through the use of camera and mis-en-scene because the mid-close up angles of the male artist represent men as sophisticated and serious which can be seen through his facial expressions showing seriousness. the mise-en-scene expands on this as he is seen to be wearing a suit and tie representing men as sophisticated and smart while also showing masculine traits. finally the use of the cd ties this up as the title of the album "Murder Ballads" represents men further as masculine and violent while also being shown as serious and sophisticated.

Monday 30 October 2023
Do Now

1) different types of camera angles used for photos.
2) the typography used for something like serif or san-serif.
3) colours that are used throughout a front cover.
4) words that are used on cover lines.
5) the name of the magazine,

 Music industry Q5

LO: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representations.

Codes and Conventions: conventions are expected ways in which codes are organised in a product.

Genre Codes and Conventions: the genre of a text having a set selection of characteristics or conventions.
Intertextuality: the relationship between different texts.

Layout: in which parts of things are arranged or laid out. 

Typography: the style and appearance of printed letters in a logo/text

Colour Palette: a combination of colours used to give life to something and to give it more character.

Images: a representation of an external form of a person or thing.

Lexis: a total stock of words in a language.

Connotations: an idea or feeling word that invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary reasoning.

1) The layout is very cluttered.
2) The layout has connotations to a festival or pop concert because of how cluttered it is.
3) The colour palette is saturated and full of colour.
4) The connotations of the colour palette show that it may be for a younger girl with all the pink and glittered typography.

  1. The layout is ordered.
  2. The layout connotes that it is formal magazine made for more posh and richer musicians.
  3. The colour pallets is very muted with very boring and bland colours.
  4. The colour palette further more suggest that this magazine is more formal and for richer people.

  1. The text is mainly san-serif.
  2. it connotes that the magazine is a little more formal and  more mainstream music.
  3. the main cover line font uses serif font coloured red that says " Ed Sheeran"
  4. the font and colour choice shows that he may be laid back and quite relaxing to read magazine.

  1. the cover lines are mainly san-serif

Monday 6 November 2023 

Do Now

  1.  Baby boomer generation are people who are born after the second world war.
  2. Diversification is process of varying products.
  3. Audience address is how the text speaks to the audience involving them or involving them.
  4. discerning is showing or having good judgement.
  5. house style is a companies preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material. 

Music Industry Q5

LO: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation.

Context: in Q4 and Q5 is through the changes in gender roles, attitudes to sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism evident in the texts that you are studying.

  1. Medium long shot
  2. David Bowie
  3. Vibrant colours of pink, blue, black and white and are a little bit pastle and is very saturated and feminine.
  4. David bowie and 7 other artists are mentioned.
  5. Upper case lettering that is san-serif while having a 3d effect that is bold for the masthead.
  6. the main cover line is still san-serif all is upper case that is not in the same colour and without the 3d effect.
  7. miner cover lines all have the same san-serif font with some bold some not and they all use black and white text while all being upper case.
  8. the puff is still. upper case in a serif font with a pink colour instead.
  9. USP is pink and white same as the puff giving out a free CD.
  10. the layout fits the placement of text and fits the genre codes and conventions of a music magazine.

10) The main colour palette of the mojo magazine is a vibrant. pink, black and white that is used of the main and miner cover lines and also the puff that uses pink colours which stereotypically are more feminine colours that are used by mojo to appeal fans of all genders and sexuality that are into rock music by including all of them into their magazine widening there target audience.

2) The main colour pallet of the wire magazine in contrast to Mojo magazine
.is that the wire uses very muted colours such as greens browns and blacks showing much more realistic colouring to show more realism and create a feeling of similarity between the artist and the reader there magazine while also showing a lot more masculine colours compared to Mojo that is more feminine.  but in contrast to Mojo this magazine is shown to target more masculine and sophisticated men than a diverse range of both genders seen in the Mojo magazines colour palette.

Monday 13 November 2023
Do now

1) The BBC.
2) Tv licsense.
3) Ofcom.
4) Public service broadcasting (to benefit the public).
5) Public service broadcasting and commercial radio (which is used to make money through adverts)

LO: to research the case study annotate in detail the examples from the case study.

Artist: Olivia Dean
Episode date: 24 October for live lounge
Songs: original and cover
 she has a cover song on Beyoncé "cuff it" and her own track "'dive" she performs live on the live lounge.

Guest info
Olivia dean is an up and coming artist from the uk who worked with rudimental before and its her first solo number on the live lounge. this tells us that she is talented as she is covering a Beyoncé song. covering Beyoncé also will attract a wider audience.

Quotes from the show to remember
"Man" Collab" "not my first rodeo"and "i mean like"presenters keep it informal.

Appeal to TA
 the presenters keep it informal and fun and have artist cover songs like Beyoncé to reach a younger and wider range of audience meant to meet the TA.

Inform, Educate and Entertain
they educate there audience on a new uk artist and her new album. a standing ovation for Olivia and a live band played with her.

Innovative and cutting edge new uk music
The artist Olivia is a pretty unknown artist that fits the target audience of 15-29. new music for jungle in between- UK band.

1) Who does it appeal to? 
15-29 year olds living in the uk.

2) How does it appeal? 
it appeals by using young music the up and coming uk artist will cover that are already well now. while also using informal language.

3) Which kind of audiences are targeted here? 
all different types of audiences of radio are being targeted that are between 15-29 years old.

4) How else does radio 1 appeal to its audience? 
its appeal to its audience by using all different types of genres and inviting up and coming artist from the uk that make music in that genre to come on the show to cover already well known songs and to show off there own songs.

5) How is commercial radio different? 
commercial radio is different as it is only trying to make money so it is only gonna produce already well known world wide artist songs to be played instead of having up and coming artist on there radio.

6) Who are there audience? 
there audience mass and wide range of people that listen to all different types of genres.

7) How do they appeal to the audience? 
through using popular genres and songs and making shows about certain time eras like the 80s, 90s and 2010s or genres of music that is most popular.
How does the live lounge meet the remit?

they met the remit by using informal language and played live music entertaining the audience as she is an up coming audience covering a already popular song while also being within the age range and from the uk. it also meets the remit as they are constantly interviewing her educating and informing while also entertaining the audience.

Monday 20 November 2023
Do Now

  1. Genre codes: genre type eg. magazine, music video, radio. codes mean masthead 
  2. Intertextuality: the relationships between two different media text eg. batman (lego movie)
  3. Typography: the style and appearance of printed matter types of font size and shape (san-serif and serif)
  4.  Connotations: an idea or feeling a word invokes. a meaning.
  5. Lexis: the words in a piece of media.
  6. more gender equality represented in magazines reflected by society. technological focus and also the need to buy reflected by society onto magazines and different pieces of media.

Lo: to explore the exam style questions for music magazine and music video.

Image 1 (billboard)
  1. female young and revealing clothing 
  2. mid shot
  3. yellow and warm colours and saturated almost golden gives us the idea of wealth and respected.
  4. san-serif modern and clean masthead that is lower case, colloquial, relaxed and informal.
  5. simplified layout shows it as relaxed and informal.

Image 2 (Mojo)

  1. Male Farley young wearing covered up wearing suits.
  2. Mid shot with 4 males (a band). with no direct address to the audience. lack of sexualisation of men.
  3. saturated and bright rainbow spread colours reflecting the physchadelic  nature of the 1970s and 60s.
  4. they both have similar fonts because there both san-serif modern but instead of lower case image 2 has upper case lettering almost shouting about music showing a sophisticated interest in music.
  5. the layout is very different as it is much more cluttered layout that is packed and overloaded with lots of information with 8 different cover lines doubling images 1.

1) Media language is used differently in these two different magazines through there use of their layout as in the. first billboard magazine they have a very simple and modern layout that is not cluttered at all and is very open and only containing 4 cover lines showing a very relaxed and formal layout which shows the way the artist is represented as royalty and show to be respected through the use of layout in the mojo magazine. which is very different to mojos magazine as it is very cluttered and filled with information and has doubled that amount of cover lines in the billboard magazine containing four cover lines having a very packed and overflowing with information magazine. In conclusion these 2 different pieces of media are representing two completely different things by using different layouts but they do have some similarity's shown through the typography using both san-serif and formal fonts.

Music video

the popular group being stereotypically respected and bully. and the school being a stereotypical American Highschool being represented in teenage dirtbag.

ins skater boy the main characters are represented as fun rebellious and energetic. the main female lead is the leader of the rebellious group and also the lead singer counter acting stereotypical representations with a city setting that has a lot of abandoned buildings and graffiti all around the street.

Media language in teenage dirtbag shown as a story through the natural editing using lots of low angle shots to make the jocks look important while skater boy is represented as a unnatural editing also using low angle shots to 
Monday 22 January 2023

November 2023 PPE

Film = BBFC
Tv and Radio = Ofcom
Advertising =  The Asa
Magazines and Newspapers = Ipso and Impress
Video games = Video standards council

Question 2

Radio stations target there target audience by their choice of music that they play on there music as for example if a radio station plays 60s music it will target a much older more mature audience but if they played newer music it would target a much younger and newer audience.

Question 3

could do themes of exclusion and rebellion in both music videos or about them both being in love with someone who doesn't like them back. Links of themes of young romance the negative of this is rejection. in teenage dirtbag we see themes of alienation when he is sat by himself getting food thrown at him by his bullies. We can see themes of friendship in skater boy as-well.

Question 4 

Representation is how someone or something is presented
Social group is when a  group is represented as either rich or poor and their race or gender.
These two magazines are represented differently through their different music types as mojo is a more rock magazine while gramophone is a musical more posh magazine. They are also represented differently through their different choices in main photograph of each star of which one is a posh rich women wearing a bright expensive dress while noel Gallagher is wearing dark clothes giving a disgusted facial expression.

Question 5

Must have a conclusion.
Media language used is very different to each other. Which creates different messages.
There is differences between each magazine like there typography, their main image and their colour palette along side their body language. 


  1. 17/4- Great work today, remember capital letters

  2. 5/6- Great analysis work on genre today. T: 1. Pick out key examples of media language to analyse and link to audience appeal.

  3. 18/9- Great work today and brilliant answers for Q2. T: keep practicing applying U&G theory to texts.

  4. 1010- Great start to analysis. T: 3.Add another paragraph to expand your answer

  5. 20/11- Great opening analysis of layout and explanation, proof read as you have a mag title wrong. T: 3. Another analysis paragraph needed for your response from the notes we made.


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