Lego Movie

Wednesday 28 September

Industry research

LO: to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry. 


 a regulators job:

classify products ( normally by age rating). 

ensure content of products meets acceptable standards.

the lego movie having a universal rating means it can attract all types of audiences meaning it will have a higher profit and more views.

because if your playing the game your doing the violence compared to the movie.

1. so innocent kids dont get traumatised by graphic movies. it is there to protect young and vulnerable people.

6. because kids under the age of 7 might been influenced by the violence and recreate it.

vertical integration

vertical integration is the process whereby a single company controls both the production and distribution stages of  a product. this means all the profit go back to the parent company rather than being shared out.

vertical integration is where a companies film production has a studio team and distribution team and a cinemas and streaming service which all collect money for the parent company rather than being shared 

horizontal integration is when a parent company has a film studio a game compony and a merch company and a record label with all the profits going to the parent company rather than being shared out.

1.  it helps make profit as all the companies spread out to a wider audience of fans and create more money for the parent company as all profit is fed to them.

2. it helps the production process as it bring in more profit for the main production company of the movie of the film.

Wednesday 5 October 2022

Narrative Theory

LO: to explore the narrative and apply narrative theory to the lego movie.

the lego movie is a postmodern movie as it contains different types of genres like action, sci-fi, comedy and fantasy i can also be seen as a postmodern film for its jokes against society and culture making jokes about capitalism and how Donald trump and other presidents can control what you see and think. it is seen as a postmodernism movie with its hyper reality wich makes the audience aware they are watching a movie were it cuts to real life footage.

1. equilibrium : emmet lives a normal life as a construction worker just waking up and going to work.

2. disruption: lord business wanted to glue people to the floor and emmet discovers the piece of resistance 

3. recognition of disruption: wild style and emmet discover whats gonna happen 

4.attempt to solve the disruption: emmet and wild style with there hero team set out to stop this plan and to rescue the master builders equilibrium: president business is forgiven ( the boy isn't aloud to play with his dads lego)

The hero: emmet 
The villain: lord business
The donor:  the vitruvius
The Helper: wild style 
The Princess: wild style
The Dispatcher: vitruvius
The Princesses Father: the vitruvius
The False Hero: batman

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Target Audience
LO: to identify the target audience using the demographics and psychographics.

The Lego movie appeals to kids because of the main theme of the movie being lego which is something they will along with the bright colours also with most of the jokes being slap stick comedy.

The Lego movie appeals to teenagers because of some of the voice actors like Chris patt and shaq that they may know. also some of the audience may be able to relate with the character wild style. along with how the father and son arguing in the movie might relate to some of the audience.

The Lego movie appeals to adults (parents) because some of the adult audience will have some nostalgia from some of the lego that they may of used when they were younger like benny the space man. also some of the jokes made in the movie are more focused towards adult audiences like how lord business is meant to be a joke at Donald trump as he can control your lives through media and how some people believe everything they see on tv.

The Lego movie can appeal to all genders as the two main characters are both male (emmet) and female (wild style) and how also there are many different side characters that both genders can relate to like batman and unikitty.

1. it has got heart because it uses a roller coaster of emotions to humanise the characters as it uses the characters to explore love, partnership and humanity.
2. it is all about you because it makes you question through the story what you are like, like whether you lead or you follow .
3. as it has something that all ages can enjoy like slap stick comedy for children and cultural savvy for teenagers and also social comedy for adults.

1. The Lego movie is a ripping adventure for kids, but also great fun for adults.
2.the importance of making this story enjoyable for adults cannot be understated as they might buy children toys for a huge number of young relations and friends.
3. as the child grows up, they will inevitably feed nostalgia about films they watched as a mite and watch them again in adulthood, perhaps even showing it to a young relative an beginning the cycle again. 

1) Tentpole Production: is when a big budget movie whose earnings are expected to compensate the studio for its less profitable films.
2) as it made a large amount of money for warner brothers to use on their less profitable movies
3) they are able to make more movies for smaller audiences. 

Wednesday 19 October 2022


LO: to explore marketing and promotion of the lego movie; to link the methods used to the target audience.

  • posters 
  • trailers 
  • adverts 
  • sponsors 
  • public stunts
  • social media post
  • teaser trailer 
  • interviews
  • movie premiers 

The lego movie made a video game, 16 collectable mini figure legos, 17 lego sets, a range of school supplies and sticker and activity books.

other than merchandise they used different ways to promote there like mcDonald's happy meals, each week in January they would release a poster with a new character, lego stores had linked events, free accessory packs, the lego movie video game was released before the movie, just a week before the movie mcDonald's released 3d cups in happy meals, they had there own website were you could make your own lego movie.

in dancing on ice at 7.27 pm on Sunday the 9 February 2014 - five days before the movie launched - ITV broadcast a worlds first, an ad break made entirely out of lego.

the adverts changed into lego were British heart foundation,, BT and premier inn.

nearly 6 million people saw the lego movie ad live but 1.1 million people searched it up in the next week.

because it made a boring skippable ad enjoyable and worth watching and got people talking about it weeks after it happened as it brought all different target audiences together with different ads for different ages while making watching it enjoyable they put it on at a perfect time were all types of people and ages were gonna be watching at Sunday evening they used recognisable adverts to bring something new and fun for them to see and to get them engaged in the lego movie it brought profit in for all companies as it was viewed by 6.6 million people live and 1.1 million in the next week online.

Wednesday 2 November 2022

LO: to evaluate the methods used to market The Lego Movie; to link the methods to the target audience.

1)warner brothers wanted their logos made from lego because they were advertising the LEGO movie.

2) they would want there logos to been seen at the start of the trailer because people would recognise the company and continue to watch the trailer knowing that the company produces good movies.

equilibrium: emmet watching tv and seeing an advert from the lord business 

disruption: lord business plans to stick everyone down on taco Tuesday by releasing something

recognition of disruption: emmet recognises lord business said they will be put to sleep and Vitruvius saying emmet is the chosen one.

attempt to solve disruption: all of the action sequences and most of the second half of the trailier where 
wild style, Vitruvius and emmet try to stop lord business.

1) the equilibrium and disruption need to be so quick because most of the action and entertaining parts of the movie are in the recognition of disruption and attempt to solve disruption.

2) it quickly goes through the disruption of the movie because children would get bored because of their short attention span and would stop watching the trailer.

1) to show a clear picture of the characters and what they look like and what part they play in the movie.
2) they do this to show the locations of the movie that the characters will be placed in.
3) to show the 3 main focus characters of the movie as it shows there strength and power.
1) they use the dialouge to tell the story
2) it gives a more intense surrounding as you can tell they are getting shot at and not having to acutally see it.
3) it is used to create a more intense throughout the trailer to create atmosphere as the music can portray which way the story is going to go.
1) the pacing of the cuts speeds up through out the trailer to make the action more intense until near the end it slows down so you can hear the humorous effect
2)the inter titles are aimed at older audiences (parents)
3) slow motion is used to show what is happening in the quicker parts of the action scenes and gives a mystery of what is gonna happen to the character.
1)the location like a train track and building top gives the sense of it being an action movie.
2)the colour pallet of the movie will appeal to kids because of the bright engaging colours.
3) the costumes tell us what kinda job they have

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Explain how The lego Movie trailer uses TWO elements of media language to target different audiences.

One example in the Lego Movie is editing as seen in the trailer they continually put different inter titles with different comedic quotes from the movie and their voice actors. This would appeal to an older audience as they have something to go and watch the movie for and not to just blindly take their child to an unwatchable movie. Another example of this is a mise-en-scene as throughout the trailer there is different locations filled with bright colours and colourful characters with mostly primary and secondary colours this connotes to toys and fun. this would most likely appeal to younger children as they would much rather watch a colourful bright movie with interesting sets rather than a boring dark and cold one aimed at older audiences.

Video game
LO: to explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse using uses and gratification theory.

1. TT games 
2. Warner brothers 
3. 7 February 2014
4.  action adventure game 
5. ps4, ps3, xbox, android and ios

1.incredibles wars
3.harry potter
4. kung fu panda
5. iron man

Simultaneous releases

it helps get the characters to be well known by when the movie comes out. it can also extended the plot and narrative. efficient use of marketing as both products promote the others. it can also increase the total audience and viewers.

uses and gratification

1. it others personal identity

2. it others information about the characters and location. others entertainment as their is a lot of action and playable parts of the game that will keep you entertained. others social interaction as you can play with other people.

the gratification information tells us you can use the video game trailer to learn more about the characters and the story line more that the initial release of the trailer also the gratification entertainment tells us that the vidoe game will other us entertaining action peicies and playable areas of the game.

Wednesday 25 November 2022
Poster campaign

1) fire, explosion and different weapons shows us genre convetions of a action movie. this can also be seen in the colour pallet  of red and mostly a darker pallet.

2) there can aslo been seen a spaceship and space man also making it a sci-fi genre and action.

The Lego Movie uses its colour pallet to relate to teenagers as they use bright reds and yellows to Connotes an explosion and fire and others colours like darker blacks and blues to convay this as well as it will this is also used to show that the movie is a action appeal the attention of a teenage audience as they would be attracted on the action parts of the movie As it will keep there attention with all the fight scenes as it is a break from long boring dioulage.

The Lego Movie also uses characters like Uni-kitty, Superman and batman which are also convay a action adventure genre wich will appeal to younger children as they may have seen some of these characters in other movies and books and may attract the attention of them seeing there favourite characters seen together (intertextuality).

The Lego Movie also uses different space ships and spacemen with a mystery behind while also using a dark blue and blacks to create a sci-fi genre which may appeal to a older target audience of parents as they will have something they can go and watch and enjoy with there children without mindlessly watching it without being intrigued. 

Wednesday 30 November 2022
1) use accurate spelling punctuation and grammar.
2) Explain WHY certain elements of media language appeal to the TA.
3) Use the PEEL chain to structure your analysis.
4) Use CONNOTATIONS to explain the appeal.

LO: to analyse the representations throughout the lego movie promotional campaign.

Wildstyle representation

1.some elements support here stereotypical representation like longer hair and wears make up than the males and her needing help from a man (emmet). also some stereotypical representations that subvert some expectations is that she is stronger and braver than the main character wich is a male and this brings in a wider audience of independent teenagers (female).

Wildstyle is not seen till quite a way through the trailer which is more stereotypical  but she was fighting and protecting the main character who is male which is less stereotypical.

Video game trailer
in the trailer wild style is seen to do most of the driving and building which is not stereotypical but wild style is also seen as stereotypical as she is seen as the prize saying come with me if you want to live.

BBC radio and audiences
LO: to explore the BBC radio contextual issues and the audience behind the live lounge.

. an image that appeals to young listeners aged 15-29
. an image that supports emerging artists
. an image that shows they show live image
. an image that shows they advice campaigns relevant to young adults.

The use of bright colours ( primary colours ) are used to show the fun side of the podcast and the presenters but also the presenter are wearing black showing maybe a more serious side of  the podcast and presenters. the uses of circles on the number one and the photo give off a more creative and simply but also formal style wich may be that the podcast is on some serious but also light hearted storys.

Remit Evidence

these 2 images both show they fit a younger target audience with the football and live music with central ce.

this image shows that radio 1 supports emerging artist.

Political context

some of the podcast use light skin black and white people and people of different religion to get a diversity of viewers that can relate to the presenters. but it only really targets a younger audience

 .  radio 1 is more appealing to a younger listeners which fitted the requirement to cater for all and reflect diversity.
.  radio 1  target younger audiences and does not appeal to older ones therefore it is not the same as commercial radio.
. the live lounge offers PSB as it offers live performances.

media convergence is a term that can refer to the merging of previously distinct media technologies and media forms due to digitation and computing networking.

the advantage is that more people will see it and view it.

off-com regulate radio and investigate
about complaints on radio.

Wednesday 7 December 2022

LO: to analyse the representations throughout The Lego Movie promotional campaign

1) name: jerome :straight black male ( main character)
2) name: emily  :straight white female ( main characters love intrest)
3) name: emma : lesbian white female ( popular) (secretly lesbian)
4) name: bob  : gay black male (in a wheelchair) (nerd unpopular)
5) name: big John : white straight male ( popular )

Age is represented in different ways young and old this can be seen in Vitruvius poster as he is seen to be represented as old and wise as he has white and grey hair with a long grey and is seen to be wearing a hippie like shirt and clothes all of this could  relate to a older audiences as this is what life was like around there time. Age is also represent with the younger generation through Wyldstyle as although she is seen to wear more bright colourful colours like purple and pink which may relate to a younger generation with a more inclusive style and clothing. 

Wednesday 4 January 2022
Put it all Together

LO: to explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively. 

1. Film : BBFC ( board of film classification)
2. tv and radio : OFCOM
3. Advertising : ASA (advertising standards authority) 
4. Magazines and Newspapers: IPSO
5. Video Games : GRA (games rating authority) (videos standard council)

revision: the lego movie game, the tv ad break, represention.

Wednesday 18 January 2023

LO: to review and reflect on the unit assessment and set personal targets.

For question 6 i need to revise who rates video games and movies in the uk.

For question 7 i need to revise the difference between vertical and horizontal integration and understand the the benefits of them.

For question 8 i need to show how the promotional campaign was targeted to all different ages and genders and go into detail about it and also talk about the other types of lego movie media like the trailer, video game and the merchandise.

for question 9 i need to talk about gender stereotypes and have an accurate anyalasis about how gender is represented in the poster campaign.

question 9 improved paragraph: 

the lego movie poster campaign represents  gender in a stereotypical way this can be seen in the poster as emmet is scene to be a builder and at the front of the group showing the stereotypical male characters job of being the dominent one of the group representing a stereotypical male. gender is also represented as stereotypical as the indifference of male characters from female characters as there is more than 8 male characters in the posters while there is only 2 female characters showing us the stereotypical way of males being more dominent in action movies as they are seen as stronger and better than female characters in the promotional poster gender is represented stereotypical this can be seen as in lord business poster he is seen to have an angered face representing how a man is stereotypically angry and cant control there emotions and is stereotypically always angry.

Monday 4 December 2023

Do Now
1) Film is regulated by BBFC
2) Tv and radio is regulated by Ofcom
3) advertising is regulated by 
4) magazines and newspapers are regulated by the Ipso (impress).
5) Video games are regulated by the video standards council.

Target audiences family
1) Young kids who play with legos.
2) Parents of those kids who used to play with lego.
3)Young cinema goers (15-25 year olds).

Uses and gratifications
uses and gratifications is about the audience.

Personal identity is how the audience sees themselves in the characters in the movies that represent them.

Information is how the movie informs the audience about the new characters and plot of the movie.

Entertainment is how the movie is comedic and is an action film that will entertain the audience while also experiencing the lego movie game.

Social interaction is about how the audience will talk to there friends about the movie and play the lego movie game with there friends.

Intertextuality = Batman

Stereotype: is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

the stereotypes that appear of the lego movie teaser posters such as in Wild styles poster she is seen to be wearing make up which is a stereotypical female thing while she is also wearing pink and purple clothing which is stereotypically feminine colours.

Video game (lego movie)

Personal identity is met as you can select from over 90 characters meaning that one will fit you.
Information you learn more information about the characters and new characters.
Entertainment. there is a lot of action parts in the game.
Social interaction you can play the game with friends on split screen.

AD break
British heart foundation
Bt broadband
Premier Inn which is then followed by the actual trailer and in between each advert they have a character poster to attracts the different target audiences.

Monday 22 January 2024
November 2023 PPE
Question 7
TT fusion

Question 8

They release films in cinemas to build up and get you to go out to watch the movie and maybe even at the premiere. Most profit comes from cinemas instead of streaming shows in the box office.
Awards are only given if shown in cinema for first release.

Question 9
They used the video game to promote the film by brining in a wider audience of people who play games to come watch the movie after playing the game and to build up hype and profit for the film. And so interested viewers can learn more about the characters before the films actual release. You can play as a lot of different characters. And they released so they can make even more profit from advertising the movie and the game.

Question 10
Convention of a trailer is to be 2-3 minutes while promoting the movie and giving a first impression and introduction to the characters. Which is typically have a voice over the actual characters. they also have inter titles showing us release dates and who made the films and directed them. Co


  1. Excellent notes Jago - you clearly understand the target audience, its appeal & the industry elements.

  2. THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer


    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS


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