Lights Camera Action

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 Monday 1 November 2021

Lights Camera Action

LO: To apply narrative theory to our own ideas. in the city


3. harry potter


5. polar express




Todorovs narrative

An equilibrium is at the start of a movie where everything is normal an happy.

Disruption is when something in the movie is happening and is going wrong.

Recognition of disruption is when the cast and characters realise the disruption.

Attempt to solve disruption is when the characters are trying to solve the disruption.

New equilibrium is when they solve the problem and everything is normally but not in the same way as the starting equilibruim.

The equilibrium this movie is when all the characters have lost and have been living for 5 years with only half the planet.

The disruption in this movie is when Thanos destroyed the infinty stones.

The recognition of disruption is when they kill Thanos in the start of the movie.

The attempt to  solve the disruption in this movie is when they go back in time to get the stones back.

The new equilibrium in the movie is when

Task One

Equilibrium for my movie is going to be about a man who is a vigilante out in the streets killing and beating up people who abuse and kill men ands women but is still a simply man with a family 

The disruption in this movie is when his past catches up with him as he is casually eating with his family as these sort of hitmen walk him as he is tie to his chair while his family is shot in the back of the head.

The recognition of the disruption in this is when the man realise he has to finish what he started.

the attempt to solve the problem is when this man has gone out to find and kill all the people involed with the killing of his family.

The new equilibrium is when the man realises he is stuck with this past and will never be able to live with what he has done 

Monday 15 November 2021

Lesson 4 
LO: to explore the use of camerawork in film.

3. Sonic 
5. the last jedi

Extreame close up: this is to show a characters reaction 

Close up: to show a reaction in the sceane

Medium close up: to show the characacter and what is going on around me 

Mid shot: is to show the action a character is doing 

Long shot: to show the surrounding and what the charcter or charcters are doing 

establishing shot: to show the location 

Birds eye veiw shot: show a angle form the sky facing down
low angle shot: to show the point of veiw of something small
high angle shot: to show the point of view of somehting taller 
conted angle: a angled shot of balanced 

Point of veiw shot: to show the main thing going on in the shot 

over the shoulder shot: to show to characters talking 

Camera movement

1. a camera moving up and down is a tilt.

2. a camera moving side to side is a pan.

3. a camera and tripod moving left to right is a panning shot. 

4. the movement of fa camera moving towards a object is a tracking shot. 

5. a shot on someones eye is a point of view shot. 

6. a shot of a whole body is a full shot. 

7. a shot from the waist to the head is a mid shot.

8. a shot of the area they are in is a establishing  shot. 

9. a shot from a window is point of view shot. 

10. a shot from below is a low angle angle shot.

1 when you see the villain you see a long shot

2 the camera tells us more about the story 

3we see through no ones eyes

Monday 29 November 2021

Setting and Colour

LO: To explore the use of setting and colour in films 


1. A rural house would be good in  horror movie to show loneliness and no era of safety of help.

2. A big city might be used to show the danger and destruction of a villain being there and this means the villain can cause havoc and destroy buildings and cars while hurting people.

3. A small seaside town might be used to show that there is no drama in the town showing a romantic feel with the seaside creating more of a romantic feel. 

4. A range of different countries could be used to show that the characters are on the run/running from something.

5. A science laboratory may be used to show where the main plot of the movie will take place .


1Blue and red is used because of the bright saturation showing so it can stand out from the rest a send a positive sign to the viewers.

2 A black costume for a  villain is used to show fear and mystery into the viewer.

3 Bright colours for comedy movies is used to show positive and happy felling into the viewer making it more of an enjoyable movie.

1The action takes place in big citys, in a country, a dark city with rain the dark city shows a sense of fear and a sense of danger, in the big city it is showing us how lonely it is and what it is that the have to fix and the country shows isolation from the rest of the characters. the use the field to show isolation and from the rest of the world and his job.

3 the settings change through out the characters talking and thinking back at the ld movies

4 the settings affect the characters like if the  are sad looking back at an old place or looking scared at a big new arrival.

 5 i could see where it was taking place because of the opening shots like the establishing shot.

 6 it could of taken in a different place because of a black and white font showing maybe a flash back.

7i can tell where it is taking place beaches of the future like tech.

8 i think certain colours are used to show different emotions like being sad and showing flashbacks.

9 some colours are used with  certain characters to show if they are good or bad characters or showing different emotion.

10 i think the colours are very important to show emotion and different type of characters.

11 it would of been more of a flashback type of movie like it was in the past. and would make emotional scenes less emotional like when the characters and comtaplating something round a table.

 I think i am legend is a action movie as he is holding a gun and with the glow shining around only him showing that he might be alone in the movie.

I also think 28 days later might be a dark gory movie with the red showing blood and the black showing mystery and fear showing it will be a horror movie 

i think indiana jones might be a action/adventure movie with the bright colours and variety of characters on the cover showing this movies is full with plot and story

i think this story would be set in a futuristic city witch is white blue and black colours as the scientist would be clean and wearing white while the villain will be all scuffing and wearing brown and black with the city also having a bad are of the town where all the people are snatched from wich is full of dark and brown colours with less future like tech and housing.

Monday 13 December 2021

LO: To explore different styles of photography

www: the aspect ratio
ebi: less blurry and more in the middle 
jumping photo
www : they are all in the air
ebi: would be less blury
scenery photo
www:the water drops and angle 
ebi: better saturation colour 
fit in photo

www: the size and ratio of the hole 
ebi: if it was better weather/scenery

my favourite one is the scenery one.

Monday 10 January
Sound in Film
LO: to explore the use of sound in film 

1. a scratchy type of music which is slow but getting higher and higher, you would hear some creaking doors and maybe dogs howling.
2. heroic music which is loud and triumphant. you could maybe hear a crowd cheer.
3. a mysterious type of music. you would hear a pen on paper something like that.
4. a loud joyful song.with a crowd laugh or someone characters in the film laugh.
5. a high tech sound with keyboards clicking.

Non diegetic: means what the characters in the film cant hear and is added after the movie in the effects studio or something like music.

Diegetic: its sounds like screaming or characters speaking in the movie which the characters can hear. 

diegetic and non diegetic sounds

non Diegetic sounds
 music, ringing music, flashbacks, explosions, singing, wind sounds,drums.

characters speaking, pills dropping, book closing, glass breaking, gunshots, cars and motorbikes, clicking, punching sound.

 most to all of the sound in film is actually not from the set of the movie because the sounds in the studio do not sound natural with the dialogue so they have to cut it out and the foley artist have to get many many different materials and make  the sounds natural like with all cgi scenes they have to make footsteps snow and ice crunching or when someone hits some person in the face or body they may use meat and a hammer to make the sound and fit it to the movie.

gunshots, characters talking, door opening, clicking his fingers, cardboard box being put down, blinds being lifted, telephone ringing, footsteps, dog barking, box opening, dog walking, banging into the cupboard, kicking the ball, expressional noises, the dog breathing.

1. yes there is dramatic movie. 
2. it makes u feel excite to watch the movie.
3. when the action kicks in. 
4.the action kicks in and they start fighting. 
5.  yes when there is dialogue there is silence. 
6. there mostly the silence scenes except when they jump of a building.
7. yes the characters speak and they sound formal.
8. i would speak in a dark voice / tone. 
9. yes you can hear glass breaking, gunshots, characters speaking, and footsteps.

1. i would use scratchy and dramatic music slowly going up through the tension of the movie and i would smash plates and equipment to make the sounds using a kinda screaming screeching noise for the monster screaming and computers and heart beats going off.

Monday 24 January 2022

LO: To explore the use of mise-en-scene in films

2. ironman
3. spiderman
4. titanic
5. pirates of the Caribbean
7. the incredibles

the character could be a
. a teenager
. likes music
. is a messy person 
. stays in his room a lot 
. hes a male 

mise-on-scene is a french term to show in trailers and movies like props the actor the height of the room or scene  adding to the scene/setting of the movie.

1.settings and props 
2.costumes hair and make up 
3.facial expressions colour 
5. positioning 

1settings and props: science fiction
you would find citys and futuristic buildings and science ares for experiments with test tubes futuristic cars and tech.

2 settings and props: romantic movie 
you would see a romantic view with a sunset and props being along with a ring or gift along with beautiful views and maybe restraunts. 

3 settings and props: horror movie
you would see a knife and maybe a abandon house or ware house with weapons and cobwebs with creaking floor.

1 i can tell by the costume and features of this charters that he is a adventurer and is out in the hot jungle who may of just been in fights and is living in the jungle with not many clothes or way to keep clean


this image show this girl might be in a school and is a popular girl with make up and a handbag and is maybe going to a party.

the features of this character show that he  is maybe quite poor with scruffy clothes with a reseeding hairline with greasy hair showing he doesn't take care of himself and maybe quite old and depressed.

Facial expressions and body language.

this images show a formal table but with their facial expressions they look quite straight faced and bored/ boring with not very emotions happening 
this image shows that the characters are very angry and may be fighting each other with a tired exsaughsted expression.

Lighting and colour.

high key lighting: is when the light is bright giving off a happy emotion.
 low key lighting: is when the light is giving off a sad scary or depressed emotion. 

the lighting in this scene give of a mysterious of scary emotion with low key lighting and colour telling us his may be a thriller or horror movie.  

positioning of people and objects.

the positioning of a character or characters can show their relationship and what their are doing. 

Monday 7 February 2022
Lights Camera Action

LO: to experiment with foley and sound effects.

1. setting and props : the setting shows us the scene is in a much older time with bland colours showing us this seen might be serious.

2. costumes hair and makeup: the hair and make up show us the 2 men on the side are some type of guards of royal members and the man in the middle is maybe a pirate

3. the facial expressions show this is a serious situation but with a clam and cooled character in the middle. 
4. the lighting shows this may be an area with a villain in the movie with dark lighting show a creepy  feel to it.
5.  the positioning the characters show us the man n the middle is maybe a prisoner or is in captive.

Creative task

1. setting and props: the setting is a lab wich will have test tubes,hazmat suits,microscopes, computers.
2.costumes and hair: they will maybe have colour hair with hazmat suits or lab coats on.
3.Facial expressions: the facial expressions could express how they are thinking and wrirting stuff down with a confused and mysterious expression when they deal with the monster.
4.the lighting could show the bright blue lab with futuristic tech or when it goes wrong the lights will go out with a dark scary mysterious feel.
5. the positioning of the characters could be how they are surrounding the monster a doing test on it

clip one: a tv, a voice,  footsteps, a sigh, toilet flushing, closing a door or fridge, a spoon tapping, spreading butter, crunching from getting of the sofa, teeth cleaning, unzipping. closing the mirror, sliding milk back into the fridge.

the sounds we filmed sounded quite good with the tap or water noise being quite good but wish we could redo the footsteps.

Monday 28 February 2022

LO: to explore the disaster movie genre.

Disaster Movies

Apollo 13 

the film depicts astronauts know by the names of lovell, jack swigert and fred haise aboard the apollo 13 when a problem in the apollo causes and explosion in aboard the space ship.

Jurassic World
1.the cast is a mix of male and female but leads towards female.
2. in this movie aim is to save her family so yes.
3.this movies falls under the messing with tech creating a unstoppable dinosaur with the island becoming un in habitable .
4. most of the characters escape the island but there is still a danger out there for them. this movie they fight the dinosaurs and then escape the island to leave it them on their own
6.they are common in other movies with the main character a male being stronger than every else and saving the day 

1. the main character in this movie is female all by herself.
2.this movie contains of the female daughter or wife trying to save her husband or dad.
3.this movie lands under the climate change genre with a great flood hitting the house.
4. she tried  to escape the disaster as crocodiles put her in danger.
5.she travels from the basement of the house to the door or roof of the house.
6.this movie is in common with most sea creature horror movies with dark lighting and scenarios with jumpscares and endangering situations.

My movie
1. my main character is gonna be a casual man who works a normal 9-5 job with a boring life.
2. the disaster is a zombie outbreak with barley anyone alive.
3. the three other characters in the film is a group of survivors the main 2 being strong powerful leaders and their is a villian with a urge to rule over the country called of the survivors will die to rais causing a rage and powerful anger on the main character.
5.the movie will occur of our main character fighting big zombies with different traits and using parkour to run from them normally using hand held weapons.
6.the main character will find a cure but as he returns with it he turns into on of the zombies.
7.the closing scene of my film is the main character  looking at his hands as he slowly turns into a zombie with the cure in his hands. 

 Monday 14 March 2022
My disaster Movie 
Lo: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie. 

1.  day after tomorrow
3. impossible
4.war of the worlds
5. Godzilla

Trailer 1: 
1. characters: a women is he main character with various side characters.
2. it is set in an underwater facility 5 miles below the surface.
3. the use submarines and diving suits with futureristic props this moivie the colours are mostly dark with being eep underwater.
5.they try to fix the facility but awaken some kind of monster.

trailer 2: the tunnel 
1 a family with their daughter. a tunnel in Norway
3.the dad try to save the daughter while she trys to escape the tunnel.
4. the props contains  a firefighter suit and  various cars.
5.the colour is mostly dark giving a scary feel to the movie.
6. the tunnel has explode causing a large amount of ash as people try to escape 

trailer 3:
1a husband and wife with workers.
2. on an oil rig
3. the husband tries to save people from an oil rig disaster
4. the props contain a computer an shark tooth. is in  dark colour with a bright flames and fires.
6. the husband tries ro svae the rest of the workers and bring the to safety

trailer 4: geo storm
1 a husband and various workers trying to stop the disaster.
2.  genrally just the world.
3. the workers are trying to stop the disasters movie.
4.the props are new technology and buildings.
5.the colour is mostly bright but then turning to dark.
6. the narrative is to save the world from the killing disasters.

my storyline:
1. in my disaster is another world war ww3 with bombs going of all over the country as one man named kyle crane is trying going around the city leading people to safety and putting his life in danger and he is doing this before a overall large nuke will destroy the city of London.
2. it is set in a dying dull world as everyone is hooked with technology as they dont even know what is going on around them. with no wild life as it has all be runied with no animals with trees all chopped down for the creation for human life
3.the mod of characters in this movie is dull boring and repetitive as crane sees this as a chance to revive his life later finding out it is the demise of his life.
4. i thin the movie should be shot in a large wide angle with dark dusty lighting and shots fitting with the ruble of the bombs and citys using a steady cam footage also being and held with a  angle 
5.the message behind the film is that to take in the life we have and not ruine what is not rewneable.

the titel is: world war karma

the script writing and storyboarding 

LO: to effectivly develop an idea for a disaster movie 

this movie starts with  toby, mason, George and cody who are group of boys whos friendship is as strong as steel who seek out the fear and adrenaline rush thinking of something to fill their adrenaline hearts they travel to another country for a rock climb that goes 700 ft in the air who which they arrive as a red warning storm is occurring causing mayhem across the streets of the Caribbean with a struggle for survival across the damaged city flooded with dangerous tropical animals trying to find food as they use there rock climbing skills to survive the damaged terrain.

"Im hungry"

"iv lost my cat" 

"im so tired"

"im late for school"

"im really annoyed at her"

the scean i am focusing on is one of the opening scene 

scene cliff climbing:

Cody George and toby are climbing up the mountain with mason down below holding the roe incase one of them fell.

 (in a reasuring voice) Are you good?

Yeah just shaking.

George slips and falls of the cliff 

(screams in fear) Ahhhhhhhh.

 as he nearly hits the floor mason tightens the rope saving George

  George (says in fear) "that was close" shaking with fear.

mason says "at least your still alive as toby and cody sigh with relief at the top of the cliff".

Monday 9 may 2022

LO: to explore how a film is made and the various industry roles.

 (in a reassuring voice) Are you good?
with a low angle shot 
Yeah just shaking.
with a mid shot angle form the side of him
George slips and falls of the cliff 

(screams in fear) Ahhhhhhhh.
with high angle shot tacking him as he is falling down
 as he nearly hits the floor mason tightens the rope saving George

  George (says in fear) "that was close" shaking with fear.
with a long shot into a close up
as toby and cody sigh with relief at the top of the cliff.
high angle shot of the group

The Big 6
unerversual, Disney,waner brothers, fox, sony, paramount.

film industry jobs
2 producer
3 set designer
4 cinema photographer 
5 actor 
6 make up designer

art director: an art director try to get the most fundible areas and locations for the movie  they work close with set designers to find where to film and what to make for scenes. their salary is on average 74,202.

cinema photographer: this job pays on average 69,000 this job is the visualisation of the film as they can control what shot types and how the camera moves with how and what the moviis about and is very close to the director to get the right art direction for the movie.

gaffer: a gaffer gets payed on average 54,000 a year their job is about  helping with eltricals and lighting with al the stunts and eltricals on the film industry.

the most surprising to me is how just from screen testing form a small group of people can rewrite and reshoot the whole movie just because most of them have a similar opinion on the movie

pre production: this is early in the film making which is finalising the script finding actors and crew, finding locations for serene and seeing what equipment is needed and how much it will cost

production: this is when shooting begins as they are building sets and getting all the props they will need in the movie.

post production: this is when filming is wrapped up and it is left to the editors and to finish of a few cgi and scenes for the movie. 

film distribution: the film can be marketed by trailers, toys, adverts, put in a game, have a convention with the actors asking questions, billboards and football games, music that advertises the game.

release poster , release teaser ,release character sneak peek, release trailer, release movie, behind the scenes deleted scence.

exhibition; is when it is released in theatres.
Monday 13 june 2022

LO: to create film marketing material.

disaster movie poster:

this movie poster is using very dark and rarely an light colours to show that the movie is going to be dark and gloomy using the visuals to show the credits and the character of the movie the tagline being  "never let go" this is to show the suspence and drama of the movie the fact it is in capitals and how high up it is shows the stress this movie has.

Movie marketing 
 movie title,main image, barcode, tagline,date when it comes out, the directors and producers, what demensions it will be in like 3d.

1. i used it for the title but didnt finish it 
2.not very well because i did not have enough time to.
3 i was pleased with the building and title.
4. the colouring and realism of the poster.
5. the lighting and colouring.


  1. 29/11- good notes, target: 2. more detail in the colour choices for the film idea, explain the choices you make.

  2. 4/1/22- excellent shots here, T 3 think about the backdrop and what is in it.

  3. 15/3- Great detail on each area here. T: 1. More detail in ending of your storyline:

  4. 25/4- Great start T 2. Try to add this to a storyboard format so that you can explore the camera shots used for the scene.


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