TV and Drama

Wednesday 22 November 2023

 Television Industries: Ownership and Regulation

LO: to explore the ownership and regulation of BBC1 and ITV.

Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".

Vision and Values

Public Purposes

As part the Agreement with the Secretary of State the BBC must maintain and publish a list of UK Public Services setting out the name of the service, the type of service and a brief 
description of the service.

1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them

2. To support learning for people of all ages

3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services

4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world

The Licence fee

Number and Names of tv channels


We have evolved our strategy to ensure ITV is best placed to further capitalise on the opportunities presented by the rapidly changing viewing, content production and advertising environments. Executing our strategy effectively will further strengthen and diversify ITV, create a more valuable future facing digital media and entertainment company and deliver returns to our shareholders.

How does it generate income


Wednesday 13 December 2023 

Tv audiences
LO: to explore how audiences consume TV dramas and the appeals.

  • your phone
  • a computer
  • streaming services
  • normal TV
  • a laptop
  • catch up services
  • recording 
Reasons people like live TV 
  • It feels like your there watching it.
  • It can get spoiled for you.
  • You can interact with the programmes if they have the option to.
  • Second screening.
  • you can show your loyalty to the channel.
The active audience
this when either an audience is active or passive. a passive audience accepts everything they are told by the media with out arguing. An active audience is the opposite questioning the media they are watching and wanting to understand more of where things come from and why.

The water shed is anything before 9pm they show content for people up to the age of 15 but after 9pm they show stuff for people above the age of 15 and at 10pm the show movies and shows that are 18 and above.

TV drama

Tv dramas follow a main story with a continuing plot and story arc that spans a whole seasons that has key characters and complex narratives along side with some smaller narratives that help build the bigger picture.

  • drama period
  • medical drama
  • teen drama
  • sci-fi drama
  • political drama
Crime drama = Top boy
period drama = Peaky blinders
Teen drama = stranger things
Medical drama = casualty
science fiction drama =  doctor who
Fantasy drama = game of thrones
political drama = west wing 

Do Now

1)what is the purpose of news?
too make money and profit.

 2) How was new shared historically?
through newspapers

3) what development 150 years ago made it possible to make money from news?
the printing press and TV

4) what development contributed to the decline in newspaper circulation?
tv in the 1950 to 1960s

normally has not took much text and more focuses on images and will have there logo in a big red box at the top of the paper using normally large fonts using bright red colours that are very saturated. some examples of these are the sun and the mirror.

a broad sheet normally uses double the size of a normally magazine that is filled with much more writing than tabloid and normally has a smaller black font with more serious news some examples of this is the guardian, the times and the daily telegraphy.

is a mix of both with some pictures and some detail writing and either have a box with the logo in or a regular black font like the guardian.


Lo: to explore the nature and ownership of the news industry.

1) Rupert Murdoch owns The sun, The time.
2) Scott trust owns The guardian and the observer.
3)  Lord Rothermere The daily mail and the telegraph.

1)The main aim of newspapers is to make money.
2)The content ends up being what ever is the best seller at the time.

British newspapers are owned by a handful of billionaires with over a quarter of the press owned by Lord Rotheremer and 24.9% owned by Rupert Murdoch the two men together both have over 50 percent ownership of printed press.

1) newspapers and their online publications are not legally obliged to provide an unbiased public information service.

2) audiences are provided with opinionated news storys that aren't 100% true.

3) every different news paper is gonna have or show a different story compared to the other having a different opinion.

1) there are ethical and moral codes of press conduct but the printed press is self regulated.
2) there are either fined or legal action is taken against them.

Mail 39% is owned by the Lord Rotherham.
Sun, Times 28% is owned by Rupert Murdoch
Star, express, mirror, people and the daily record 16% is owned by new media investment group
telegraph is owned by telegraph group

Wednesday 10 January 2023
Do Now
1) They did a lot of drugs.

The 1960s
LO: to research the social, historical and political context of the avengers.

1) John F Kennedy was assassinated.
2) American involvement in the Vietnam war.
3) The Berlin wall was being built.
4) The cold war was going on.
5) The space race was going on.
6) The contraceptive pill was approved in the 1960s.

1) The Beatles and Pink Floyd.
2) The labour party and James Harold Wilson was the prime minster during the 1960s.
3) yeah drugs were a very big part of the culture spread by the media in the 1960s and they were easier to find and get.
4) The Vietnam war and Brazilian Military revolt and the cold war.
5) The were protesting for free speech and about the Vietnam war.
6) women faced widespread discrimination especially in the work place and men had a lot more power and freedom compared to women. many protest such as the civil rights movements fought for the rights of Africa American people.

There was a threat of nuclear invasion spread across America and all over the world.
espionage is a spy or double agent that was seen in a lot of media in the 1960s as many countries were scared of invasion spies entering the countries this is seen as it is portrayed in a lot of different media in the 1960s in such thinks as James bond and mission impossible

Wednesday 17 January 2023
The Avengers
LO: to research the TV show the avengers.

1) ITV and ABC TV
2) Mainstream adult audience.
3) 7 January 1961.
4) 6 seasons.
5) 21 April 1969.
6) 56,000 pound for each episode.

8) itv was able to compete on the world market and made it able for them to shoot on film which means they could edit and had a greater use of location and setting and were able to have music behind the episodes.
9) Emma peel played Diane Rigg, John steed played by Patrick Macnee
10) action adventure series. sci-fi. its was one of the first shows to have a female main character who wasn't a wife or house maid. The female characters would always fight the men but were never seen actually punching them.

the avengers were showed on Saturday's at 9:05 at night - peak time to attract a mass audience.

BBC one were itvs main rival.
Advertising and the deal with abc made itv finical secure

Wednesday 24 January 2024
Do Now
  • It was made by ITV
  • It had six seasons
  • The first episode aired was the 7 January 1961

The Avengers: The town of no return
Lo: to explore the narrative, character and appeal of series 4, episode 1

Main Characters
  • John steed
  • Mrs Emma Peel
  • Piggy Warren
  • Mrs Manson
  • Tom Smallwood
  • Mr Brandon
Wednesday 31 January 2024
Do Now
  • John steed and Emma peel explore a town where previous agents have went missing and they discover that the town is not as normal as it is made out to be and that a army is being made by using imposters to take over towns in England by using imposter of already real people so they can help them invade the country that then leads to John and Emma fighting the imposters and the soldiers until they make their way out.
  • John steed and Emma peel and piggy warren.
  • It shows how in the 60s women were seen as not a strong and authoritative as men are seen in the 60s as they are shown to be more ruling over women in the 60s.
  • It appeals to an audience as Emma peel is seen to where different revealing clothing that will appeal to a younger male audience.

Personal identity: people might relate to the characters like john steed being a classic English man that wears a 3 piece suit. Women might relate to Emma peel as she is a strong female character that is controlled by men of which this will relate to a younger generation. As well as men wanting to be like John steed as he may be a role model to most men and boys watching the show most likely the younger generation.
Information: it will tell people about current themes in the 60s. they could show their own beliefs and values through the characters in the show. People could of also gathered information about how women can be just as strong and powerful as men and also information about the world of the upperclass and the life of being a spy.
Entreatment: people will be entertained by the comedy and action parts of the show and also the interesting plot points. A younger male audience may be entertained by the revealing clothing Emma peel wears that will attract some men. People will also be entertained as they challenge normally TV show and media stereotypes.
Social interaction: people who watch the show will have to talk in person about the show and maybe work or school as they did not have access to social media at that time. People will also talk and discuss what might happen in the next episode and also the fact this will be watched by most people as a family as households will of only had one TV.

Context - The Avengers the town of no return

LO: to analyse the influence of the social and historical contexts in series 4, episode 1.

We can see in the episode that the cold war was a big concern in the 60s as the main goal of the villains in the show is to invade and take over England and are threatening England with war which shows how people were scared of invasion due to the cold war.

We can also see in the episode that the threat of nuclear invasion was a a big concern in the 60s as they show a control board in the bunker of the episode were they see a computer screen mapping out england almost looking like a nuclear control panel.

Wednesday 21 February 2024
The Avengers extra analysis
LO: to explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract.

Camera work
Shot type (close ups, mid shot, long shot, extreme close ups and establishing shot), shot angles ( low angle, high angle canted angle, or aerial shots and point of view shots) and camera movement like hand held cameras, steadicam and crane shots and also shallow focus and pulls focuses.

close up shot is used to introduce and show Emma peels name.
High angle shot is used to show Emma as to be in power and the guy being weaker than her.
Establishing shot is used to show us the setting and her upper class lifestyle and that she is well educated.

Mise en Scene

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Cross Cutting: when you have cuts between one or more location to create tension and to show whats going on inside the characters head.

Montages: used to show the passing of time they use quick fast paced shots to create this feeling.

Cutting on action: is when you cut from one shot to another with the character / object still moving.

Cut away: you move from one thing to another thing like an insert image and then cut back to the original shot.
graphic match: is when you cut from one shot to another that has similar composition or action.

fade in and fade out: is when your shot blends to black or into another shot which represents the passing of time.

1) Cut away to show Emma peels name on the suitcase and they have used this to add drama to the narrative and show us what John is feeling and thinking about in this scene.
2) Cutting on action is used when he tries to hit John with the horse shoe iron and they used this to emphasis the action and drama of the scene and it is a convention of action scenes.


Diegetic: is what the characters in the scene would be able to hear.

Non-Diegetic: this is sounds that only the audience can hear and the characters cant.

Sound Bridge: this is when two scenes are connected through having the same sound being heard in both scenes.

Contrapuntal sound: what we hear doesn't match what we see.

1) Music they use high pitched music to create a feeling of mystery when Emma peel is searching around the classroom.
2) They use Diegetic sounds of the dogs to create a feeling that there is danger that is about to get to Emma peel.
3) Contrapuntal sound is used when the dogs are barking but they do not show them physically and we can only hear them and they do this to create a feeling that danger is approaching Emma peel.

Wednesday 6 March 2024
Do Now 

1) Mise-en-scene, Camera work, Editing, Sound.
2) 2-3 examples you will need to find for question 1.
3) its 5 marks

Describe- the technique used in a particular frame.
Explain- support with specific evidence - how has media language been used to construct this meaning (connotations)
Link- to the overall context / meaning of the scene.

1) How is camera work used to create meaning?

Camera work is used to create meaning through the use of a close up showing steed together with the hot horse shoe next to him thats burning the leather. This is used at this point in the clip to create tension and show the audience how the horse shoe and the black smith is a danger to John by it being scolding hot which is shown next to his scared facial expression next to the horse shoe.

Camera work is also used to create meaning when we are shown a mid shot of both Emma Peel and John Steed stood next to the window with the army base and shelters in the background. This is used at this point in the scene to show the audience visually how Emma and John have figured out what has been going on in the town and where the rest of the imposters are.

Question 2

  • One example of a way this scene creates tension is at the start through the sound of the scene they use high pitched suspenseful music as John is walking around the blacksmith is search of peel and the music increase in tempo and volume to create more tension throughout the scene as it got more tense.
  • Another example of this scene creating tension is through the sound again when the horse shoe is placed on the leather belt next to steed and it plays a hissing and burning sound to create tension within the audience.
  • Another example of this scene creating tension is through the camera work as when John is fighting the blacksmith they use of fast paced quick editing during their fight scene to create tension and make the audience scared for John during this scene.

They created tension throughout the entire scene with one way being through the use of sound / music that is used when John Steed first enters the black smith and when he first encounters him as it starts of with suspenseful mysterious music that then slowly rises in tempo and volume to create tension in the audience as the music is telling the audience that something bad is gonna happen before it even happens but they don't know what it is just yet and this is used throughout the entire scene.

Question 3 
Language (Media)

Intro- extract shows both stereotypes and anti-stereotypes
1) fight - mise-en-scene of steed vs blacksmith ( men fighting ) 2x stereotypes.
2)  steed 'rescuing'  Peel. damsel in distress (prop) context of the 1960s - patriarchy is society. audience expect this.
3) role reverses anti-stereotypes. peel explaining to steed. the change in the 1960s of women having more equality and rights.
Conclusion - it has mostly stereotypical views but also a few anti-stereotypical.

Question 4
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Sexuality
  • Nationality
  • Context
  • Wealth class
Wednesday 20 March 2024
Do Now
  • More gender equality today like equal pay.
  • you dont have to have a physical copy of a movie.
  • you can watch movie and tv online on different devices like phones and laptops.

Television in the 2010s
Lo: to explore the context of the 2010s and the effect on Tv shows and audiences.

Cuffs was released in 2015. In 2010 there was an equality act made which made any discrimination to any race gender and sexuality illegal.

  • There was a big threat of terrorism after 911 
  • Brexit was happening at this time as-well as the Donald trump election.
  • The growth of social media increased as long as knife crime around the youth.
  • There was many protest about racism such as black lives matter around this time.
Cuffs is on BBC 1 in a police procedural genre which means it focuses on the day to day action of the police force.

  • it was aired in October 2015 and was shown at 8pm on a Wednesday.
  • it targeted a very large age range of a family audience.
  • they used a large range of characters to appeal to many different audiences.

Series One Episode One 

  • Set in Brighton 
Wednesday 27 March 2024
Do Now
  • Jake vickers is a gay male character who is new to policing and got a shortcut to getting to be a patrolling policeman.
  • Ryan draper is Jake vickers instructor / supervise who doesn't think much of Jake and is tuff on him and thinks he has only got to this point because of his father.
  • Robert vickers is Jakes father who got 
This show is an ensemble which means it has no one main character but multiple.

Wednesday 24 April 2024
    Do Now
The Police were represented as not having enough staff

Cuffs and Social Contexts
LO: to analyse representation and influence of social and cultural contexts in cuffs

Pc Donna Prager: She is represented as a strong female officer that is faster and stronger than Lino Moretti. She is shown as a much stronger and more intelligent officer than Moretti as in the last scene she is seen to run longer than Moretti and Jake and is able to keep with the same pace as Ryan. Her strong character features it shows there was more of an equal status between men and women in 2015.

Jake is represented as unexperienced in policing in the show which can be seen when they are chasing a suspect and he doesn't know any of the lanes or streets that he has to communicate to his partners. This shows how the police department doesn't have enough funding to properly train new police men/women in 2015.

Jake is also represented as an openly gay man which shows how society in 2015 is more accepting with sexuality and is represented as an issue.

Felix is represented as quiet and reserved / thoughtful and is quite timid compared to most police officers which shows us how in 2015 there are less gender specific stereotypes 

Jake is represented as anti-stereotypical due to his open gay sexuality which strays from normal masculine traits but he is also stereotypical in some ways due to his need of wanting to be in the action and take lead

Lino Morreti is represented as anti-stereotypical due to the fact that in a stereotypical way males are seen as stronger than women and should take the control instead of women being in control and Lino challenges these stereotypes as he is much weaker and not as athletic as Donna who takes charge in the policing situations over Lino doing so.

Felix is represented as anti-stereotypical compared to a normal police officer as he is quite reserved and timid compared to the over police officers.

  • Multiculturalism can be seen in the show as diverse characters such as Ryan who is a black man and donna is in the police force which shows the multiculturalism during 2015.
  • differences in ethnicity can be seen as Ryan a black man and donna is treated the exact same way as every other officer in the show that are of different ethnicity.
  • Racism can be seen in the show when the shop owner is killed by a racist who uses racial slurs against him before his death and this shows how racism still exist in 2015.
  • Racist group is represented very negatively in the show as the only time we see them in the show is when they are either taking drugs or harming other people and also the abuse they show to the police when they throw bottles at their car when there are day time drinking.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

1) Synergy = The combined power and profit that can be achieved by two companies. two pieces of media that help sell each other.
2)horizontal / vertical integration is where a company releases more products in other areas of media.
3) Convergence = is when different companys work together
4) Tent Pole Production = is when something is supported with a lot of money and is expected to reach a certain goal.
5) Simultaneous reale


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