
Showing posts from March, 2022

What is News?

  Wednesday 2 March 2022 What is News? LO:to explore the concept and format of news. 1. the purpose of news to get stories and important messages to other parts of the world. 2. the purpose of the news to show how different parts of the world are doing. 3.the purpose of  news to entertain people.  4. the purpose of the news is for them to make profit. the different type of news are : war, climate, uk, world, business, tech, politics, science, health, family and education, art and entertainment and weather. war: science: uk news:  tech news:  viruses:  LO: to explore the validity to news stories and their origins. Fake News: False information used to shape your views, opinions or ideas 1.fake coronavirus cure on as people say garlic has cured coronavirus 2. the covid vaccines can give you cancer. 3.the mafia forged 300,000 votes for joe biden 4. 2. people write fake news to manipulate and control people to give votes to certain politicians or subjects. 3. you can spot for fake news beca